We finished teaching today - the mix of happy to complete what we started and sad to leave such wonderful students.
In another attempt at a Deep Culture experience, we staged a mock western wedding - meaning American, not with a cowperson theme. A little short on men, we had a groom - who actually wore a suit - a best man who brought the lighter for the unity candle - and a father of the bride who insisted on have a question asked to which he could answer "her mother and I do." Seems he saw Father of the Bride...The other groomspersons were female as were the 4 clergy, 8 bridesmaids, mothers and sound technician. And the bride - who skipped class to get her hair cut and wore the perverbial sparkley 3 inch heels. Just like for baseball.
Everyone arrived early and we started on time. Fortunately I had 2 cans of Coke for lunch so we had enough pop tops for a double ring ceremony. The vows were every bit as lovely as any other wedding, the best man lit the wrong candles only once, the sound system got a glitch and played I'm a Big Big Girl in a Big Big World as the bride started in, but it was replaced by Pachelbel quickly. Of course there was a wedding cake with caucasian bride and groom on top, punch, cookies and the Hicky Pukey. A international event to rival the Olympics.
Then one of the classes invited us to dinner. We had a warm up hour of the two most popular activities: Majong and Kari-ok-ee. Then a variety of unknown dishes from an unseen kitchen. They were very gracious - lots of toasting and laughter and everyone tried to speak English.
We may lose the computer tomorrow, and we leave here on Saturday for Shanghai where I will seek out a business center or internet cafe.
In another attempt at a Deep Culture experience, we staged a mock western wedding - meaning American, not with a cowperson theme. A little short on men, we had a groom - who actually wore a suit - a best man who brought the lighter for the unity candle - and a father of the bride who insisted on have a question asked to which he could answer "her mother and I do." Seems he saw Father of the Bride...The other groomspersons were female as were the 4 clergy, 8 bridesmaids, mothers and sound technician. And the bride - who skipped class to get her hair cut and wore the perverbial sparkley 3 inch heels. Just like for baseball.
Everyone arrived early and we started on time. Fortunately I had 2 cans of Coke for lunch so we had enough pop tops for a double ring ceremony. The vows were every bit as lovely as any other wedding, the best man lit the wrong candles only once, the sound system got a glitch and played I'm a Big Big Girl in a Big Big World as the bride started in, but it was replaced by Pachelbel quickly. Of course there was a wedding cake with caucasian bride and groom on top, punch, cookies and the Hicky Pukey. A international event to rival the Olympics.
Then one of the classes invited us to dinner. We had a warm up hour of the two most popular activities: Majong and Kari-ok-ee. Then a variety of unknown dishes from an unseen kitchen. They were very gracious - lots of toasting and laughter and everyone tried to speak English.
We may lose the computer tomorrow, and we leave here on Saturday for Shanghai where I will seek out a business center or internet cafe.