Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Ah-ha! Tonight we had a banquet before our "very informal English Corner." There were 24 dishes on the table for us to share - several area speciaites. Usually at big dinners we only get 18 or so.

We arrived at No 2 school (there are 30 in town - we have been to #1, #5 and Saturday is #16) and found a formal lecture set up. Not even a surprise anymore. After 45 minutes they ended that and we figured we got of easy. No - we were led in total darkness to a large square lit only by the lights playing on fountains for 45 more minutes of Close Up English questioning by 200 SH students. I now know the answer to the "favorite animal" question is "panda," but I was stumped by "Which Back Street Boy is your favorite?" No one asked about Luther or Bach at all!

What does this mean?

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