Monday, July 14, 2008

classtime and lunch

Today was self introduction. I brought large pictures of the family. They agreed Bob was very handsome and that was the first English word they learned: Bob. I know it will be useful. They were impressed we had four children - the concept of step family was a bit much - but astonished Bob's daughter Jenny has 3 children. Mine were all born before the 1 child rule in China. But Jenny is their generation and they have a boy or a girl and that is all. They all wanted to meet David until I pointed out his wife Karen. Many of the girls take Lily as an English name so they were delighted to see Bethany's daughter Lily Beth - an American with their name. But it was Brian's dog Munster that brought down the house. It was like having the family here which was good because I miss them all very much.

Adventures in food at noon today included a reptile of some sort with the head floating in the sauce. And onion rings. Every meal we have the Same Green Vegetable that is pumpkin vines. But there is plenty and I never go hungry - despite consuming all that with chop sticks!


Kathey said...

Oh my goodness - I LOVE to read your blog! What an adventure! So, pumpkin vines, huh? You making that for Thanksgiving this year? I might hold off on including the lizard heads.
love and miss you, kate

nicky said...

Glad that you delivered your first lesson in China. Wow! It must be very exciting. Look forward to hearing more from you about your class.
Take care.